
The Future of Enterprises is all About Freedom

by Babu Sivadasan, Chairman & CEO | Posted on Wednesday March 9, 2022 enables enterprises to become autonomous with intelligent automation, and achieve tomorrow’s possibilities today

Change happens. All the time. Faster than you think.

In the future, your organization will be able to sustain and thrive only if it’s ready to adapt on-the-fly.

These changes could be geopolitical, like the pandemic and global recession, or they could be societal, such as a change in consumer attitude.

When the industry undergoes rapid changes, customers and employees expect more contextualized and personalized experiences.

In these demanding circumstances, businesses that are still grappling with complex service and experience challenges invariably lag behind competition.

In a highly competitive, highly regulatory focused and ever-evolving industry like Financial Services, there are several dated, high-touch, manual processes.  Manual systems that deliver inconsistent responses slow problem resolution, and hinder service level agreement (SLA) management, tracking, control and governance can pull your business backward.

While gearing up for the future, organizations must be able to recognize the need for change and adapt dynamically — reassembling capabilities from inside and outside the enterprise.

Are you equipped to deliver innovation quickly in the wake of disruptions?

The current enterprise processes and business application portfolios were designed to address the challenges of the past. In the face of rapid changes, they become an obstacle to innovation. At the same time, you cannot rip and replace them due to the cost and risks involved.

So, how do you transform your organization for the emerging future?

According to Gartner, organizations need to evolve into ‘composable enterprises’ and adapt to changing business needs through the assembly and combination of packaged business capabilities.

Composable business means creating an organization made from interchangeable building blocks. It is “being flexible, fluid, continuous, even improvisational — and it is how we will move forward,” says Don Scheibenreif, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner.

One of the key principles of composable businesses is achieving resilience through autonomy.

Now, what is an autonomous enterprise?

In his recent article in Forbes, Chris MacFarland, Executive Chairman & CTO of Masergy has defined the autonomous enterprise as a self-driving business that has applied artificial intelligence and automation to the problems of operations and management — one that is able to configure, monitor and maintain itself independently. Correspondingly, it’s capable of learning, adapting to changes and intelligently automating.

An autonomous enterprise can assemble, reassemble and extend business capabilities using applications that can be adapted to the changing needs of the business. With this agility, it can deliver more unique and customized experiences to users, and facilitate deeper collaboration between stakeholders.

In short, autonomous enterprises symbolize freedom.

Freedom from tedious manual operations. Freedom from inflexible bots. Freedom from the dependency on tech-heavy applications.

The agility of an autonomous enterprise depends mainly on its ability to scale business operations rapidly based on the need of the hour.

At the front-end, you need to empower the real business users to be able to bring in engaging customer experiences. enables such an experience with its intuitive no-code software and application development studio.

The next critical requirement is to make the middle-office and back-office processing autonomous. This is made possible by moving away from manual operational processes and embracing automation. And then employing artificial Intelligence and machine learning-based decision making to execute business functions on a dynamic basis and recognize events, patterns, anomalies, relationships as well as root causes.

You may exclaim, “All that sounds great, but today automation is seen as complex to execute and slow to show results”! brings ultimate freedom to your enterprise.

We see automation through a new lens. We specialize in combining automation with contextual intelligence and enabling you to build highly specific solutions for your enterprise processes on our integrated intelligent automation platform.

The platform enables organizations to compose, configure, monitor and maintain themselves as autonomous enterprises. Enterprises will be able to assemble automated business capabilities that can learn and adapt to changing needs with little or no additional resource and operational expenditure.

It brings the powers of artificial intelligence, machine learning, cognitive document processing, natural language processing, no-code application development and workflows, and analytics to your business users. So, they can deliver end-to-end business process automations and lifecycle management solutions that boost efficiency, reduce OPEX costs, and ensure faster returns on investment.

It liberates your people from the tedium of manual processes. It gives them freedom to think faster. Freedom to create faster. Freedom to automate faster. And freedom to innovate faster.

For example, it can crawl through real-time customer interactions, incidents, workflows and procedures across multiple channels to quickly detect anomalies, issues, or preferences of the customer. Based on that data, it can proactively generate the best action to either resolve an issue or initiate recommendations before the customer even realizes they existed.

Or it can make the entire process of customer or employee onboarding seamless by collecting fresh data and suggesting the best choices for the new customers and employees.

It can also compile huge volumes of finance and accounting data and ensure real-time reconciliation—a complex operation that would otherwise keep your most valuable employees engaged for several days at the end of every month.

In fact, our intelligent automation platform brings out the best in your people and empowers them to achieve tomorrow’s possibilities today.

Partner with us to get a head start in building responsible enterprise autonomy.

Accelerate transformation with no-code automation. 

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