Automation in Banking & Financial Services

automation in banking: user holds cell phone near reader

Banking: Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Hyper-personalization, omni-channel experience and social banking don’t lend themselves to human-bound processing. Timeliness, speed to market, great customer experiences and employee engagement require automated solutions. Repetitive, document-intensive work that requires input from multiple repositories are ripe for automation and artificial intelligence. Top processes for automation include trade finance, loan originations and customer onboarding.

financial process automation: man looking at data charts on a tablet

Wealth Management: End-to-End Banking and Financial Process Automation

The AUTOMATE platform combines advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and natural language processing, which are the backbone of end-to-end banking and financial services automations for mid- and back-office workflows. These tools understand and extract data from online and paper forms, validate with core systems, and feed the data into your workflows. Our platform helps you automate processes such as audit packages, account opening and maintenance, and reconciliation.

insurance automation: two people huddled under green umbrella

Insurance Automation: Time Savings and Improved Accuracy

Your hardest-working employees can take as many as six days to process a single claim. Worse, the result can be rife with errors. End-to-end automated insurance processes that use artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and natural language processing can reduce the process time to seven minutes with 100 percent accuracy. Similar results are available for processes that include agent and vendor onboarding, customer service support, and claims management.

mortgage automation: house with keys sitting next to it

Mortgage Automation: Achieve Excellence and Speed

Of the 20 top mortgage originators in 2006, only five remain active in the market today, according to a Fannie Mae report. Lenders who develop, deploy and monitor end-to-end mortgage automation processes with AUTOMATE are well-positioned to thrive over the next 15 years. Advanced technologies, like AI, can reduce turnaround time and improve accuracy for numerous processes such as mortgage fraud check, originations, servicing, vendor billing reconciliation, risk and compliance, and more.

Improve Complex Processes with AUTOMATE

The AUTOMATE platform provides end-to-end automation in banking, financial process automation, insurance automation, and mortgage automation solutions to effectively improve your business.

Know Your Customer

Intelligent documents processing verifies existing documents, identifies gaps, updates online applications and notifies users.

Trade Finance

Digitize and capture unstructured data, determine customer balances from core banking system, assure compliance, route to humans for approval, post charges and balances, and maintain transaction history.

Loan Origination

Upload KYC documents, extract and verify data, validate application, approve/reject loan, submit approvals for disbursement, maintain dashboards and report KPIs.


Collect data at initial contact, create accounts for vendors, customers or agents, perform background checks, manage collections and payments, and update databases.

Account Opening and Maintenance

AI and machine learning extracts and verifies data against core systems, validates KYC information, and manages asset transfers.

Insurance Claims Management

End-to-end insurance automation for claim registration and handling, process payments, detect fraud, and investigate and adjudicate claims.

KYC Business Process Automation with Intelligent Robotic Process Automation

Know Your Customer processes can be tedious, expensive, and inaccurate. Queue AUTOMATE, an intuitive automation platform that can step in and take over repetitive tasks seamlessly. Automation apps built on the platform learn and improve over time, minimizing human intervention.


Customers Speak has the ability to process complex PDFs, work with legacy systems, comply with our software security needs, and are a good partner.

Tamra Butler, RPA Manager

Southwest Airlines really helped us take away heavy year-end workload and let us focus on year closing activity.

Mah Johnson

International Organisation (Public Health), Malaysia

(The team) went above and beyond to turn (our) automation around in such a short time. On behalf of [our company], we are very grateful for your heroic efforts. You are helping us to make our AUTOMATE program a success and help us deliver value to our customers. This is especially critical for us at this uncertain (COVID) time.

RPA Manager

Leading US Airline

Thank you for all your heroic efforts over the last few months. We have together made a ton of progress! We thank you for your dedication, hard work, long hours, and partnership in this RPA journey!

Managing Director, Business Transformation

Leading US Airline

Female presenting automation in banking information to team members

Put automation at the heart of digital transformation